We’ve wanted to offer a winter CSA program for years. Our spring-summer-fall CSA members have told us how hard it is to return to mainstream produce in the grocery stores when CSA season ended. And we know how hard it can be to source local, organic produce in the late fall and winter months.
So we’ve been working on our farming skills for years, trying to get better at growing late-season crops and storage crops. We hunted for more land to grow these fall crops on, in order to give our summer crop land time to rest and recuperate under a bed of green manures.

Food Security Club orders, ready for pick up.
In 2012 we started our Food Security Club, which allows us to offer bulk amounts of storable and preservable vegetables to folks who want to fill their cupboards, fridge and freezer with local food.
Our Food Security Club has been a success, but we often hear from folks who can’t sign up because they just don’t have the space to store large amounts of food through the winter months.
Finally, thanks to seven seasons of farming experience and oodles of new, leased land to grow on, we feel ready to offer a winter CSA program.

A sample winter CSA vegetable delivery: carrots, cabbage, kale, squash, onions, broccoli, beets.
We’ll be delivering hefty bags of carrots, beets, garlic, squash and much more to homes in Victoria and the Cowichan every two weeks for eight weeks, with our first delivery on Tuesday, November 11. (Our main CSA program ends the week before.)
Our winter CSA costs the same as a Full Share in our main CSA program, at $20.25/week plus $3 per delivery, for a total of $174.
We’re excited to offer a new way for folks to access our tasty, organic produce.
For more details on our winter vegetable delivery program, or to sign up, please check out our winter CSA page here.