Do you love reading? Do you love eating local, organic vegetables, conveniently delivered to your doorstep? Let’s put those two loves together into a tasty love sandwich and raise some money for Literacy Now Cowichan.
The Auction Prize:
1 Full Share in our 2014 vegetable delivery CSA program (worth $488). We will deliver a weekly share of our fresh, organic vegetables to the auction winner’s home or workplace for 21 weeks, from June through October.
How You Win It:
Place your bid in the comments section of our official auction Note on Facebook. New bids must be at least $2 more than the previous bid to qualify. The highest bid as of 8 p.m. on Monday, April 7, 2014 is the WINNER.
Where the Money Goes:
100% of the winning bid amount will go directly to Literacy Now Cowichan, a non-profit organization that provides and supports literacy programs and services in our community.
Why We’re Fundraising With Vegetables:
We read an article in the News Leader Pictorial last week about Literacy Now Cowichan’s funding being cut by $17,000. All of us here at Makaria Farm love reading, and we wanted to support this organization’s important work. Some of LNC’s funding has since been restored, but they still operate on a shoestring budget and need all the support we can give.
- Bidding will be open from 7 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2014 until 8 p.m. on Monday, April 7, 2014.
- By bidding in this auction, each bidder agrees to these auction rules.
- To bid, simply type the amount you wish to bid in the comments section of the official auction Note on Facebook.
- New bids must be a minimum of $2 more than the previous bid. Any bids not adhering to this format will be invalid and voided.
- There is no “upper limit” for your bid(s).
- The official close time will be based on the personal computer at Makaria Farm.
- Once the auction is declared closed, the highest qualifying bid entered in the comment section shall constitute the winning bid and will be declared as such. In the event of a dispute, Makaria Farm will act as the final authority.
- The winning bidder will be contacted via Facebook message to arrange payment by cheque. Upon receipt of a cheque for the winning bid amount made payable to “Literacy Now Cowichan,” the winning bidder will be registered as a member of Makaria Farm’s 2014 vegetable CSA program.
- The winning bidder must provide a delivery address in the Cowichan Valley (or our Victoria delivery area) in order to receive their weekly CSA shares.
- If the winning bidder does not provide a donation for the full winning bid amount to Literacy Now Cowichan by 6 p.m. on Friday, April 18, 2014, the auction prize will be offered to the next highest bidder.
- To bid anonymously, please send a private Facebook message to Makaria Farm: Makaria Farm will then post the bid on your behalf in the comments section. (Please note: there may be a delay.)
Enough formality — let’s raise some funds for Literacy Now Cowichan!
Please visit the official auction Note on our Facebook page to place a bid.

Brock and Isaac read together at Makaria Farm.